Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens Welfare Department
Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department is implementing ICDS Activities in (3) ICDS Projects covering (908) main and (832) Mini AWCs (76) in the Warangal Rural District. Anganwadi Centers are functioning from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM and providing following services to pregnant, lactating and 6 months – 6 years children.
The Department is implementing the following schemes under Women & Child Welfare Wing
o Supplementary Nutrition Programme.
o Arogya Lakshmi” (One Full Meal Programme)
o Pre-School Education.
o Immunization
o POSHAN Abhiyaan
The Department is implementing the following schemes under Disabled & Senior Citizens Wing.
o Marriage Incentive Awards.
o Economic Rehabilitation Scheme.
o Pre-Metric Scholarships.
o Post-Metric Scholarships.
o Aids & Appliances
Description about the department schemes: Under Women Development and Child Welfare Wing:
“AROGYA LAKSHMI” (ONE FULL MEAL PROGRAMME):Government of Telangana, the only state in India through Dept. for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens has introduced prestigious flagship programme “Arogya Laxmi” One Full Meal programme for all pregnant and lactating mothers with 200ml milk and one egg for (30) days in all Anganwadi centers from 1st January 2015 onwards.
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: – Pre-School activities are conducting to 3-6yrs children in Anganwadi Centers of Warangal Urban District.
IMMUNIZATION: – Under Immunization programme Health Checkups, referral services and Nutrition and Health Education sessions are conducting in all Anganwadi Centers.
POSHAN Abhiyaan : Prime Minister’s Overarching scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN Abhiyaan): POSHAN Abhiyaan, a flagship scheme launched by the Government of India in March 2018, aims at ensuring holistic nourishment and development of pregnant women, lactating mothers, young children and adolescent girls. Converging with multiple ministries including the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare, Human Resource Development, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Department of Food and Public Distribution, etc., the overarching mission strives to reduce level of stunting, under-nutrition, anaemia and low birth weight babies in a fixed-target based manner and thereby improve the overall status of nutrition.
ICPS: The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at building a protective environment for children in difficult circumstances, as well as other vulnerable children, through Government-Civil Society Partnership. ICPS brings together multiple existing child protection schemes of the Ministry under one comprehensive umbrella, and integrates additional interventions for protecting children and preventing harm. ICPS, therefore, would institutionalize essential services and strengthen structures, enhance capacities at all levels, create database and knowledge base for child protection services, strengthen child protection at family and community level, ensure appropriate inter-sectoral response at all levels.
Description about the department schemes Under Disabled Welfare and Senior Citizens Wing:
PRE-METRIC SCHOLARSHIPS:– All the categories of Disabled students from 1st to 5th Class whose parental income is below 1,00,000/- per annum are eligible for sanction of Scholarships [at] Rs.700/- and 6th to 8th Rs. 1000/- and 9th to 10th Rs.1820/- p.a.
POST-METRIC SCHOLARSHIPS: All the categories of Disabled students for Intermediate Rs.1820/- and for Degree Students Rs.2400/- and PG students for Rs.4290/- whose parental income is below 1,00,000/- per annum are eligible for sanction of Scholarships only for OC Disabled Candidates.
ECONOMIC REHABILITATION SCHEME:– The Disabled Persons will be sanctioned 50% and less than 1,00,000/- out lay of the Bank Consent as subsidy for the establishment of petty trade businesses.
MARRIAGE INCENTIVE AWARDS:- Disabled Persons who marry with normal persons have been sanctioned Rs.50,000/- to each couple.
AIDS & APPLIANCES :– The Aids & Appliances i.e., Hearing Aids, Callipers, Crutches, Wheel Chairs & Tricycles etc., will be given to the Disabled Persons on free of cost.
District Welfare Officer,
Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens Welfare,
Warangal Rural.
Contact Details of District Welfare Officer
Name of the Officer : Smt. M. Sharada
Designation : DWO
Email ID : dwo.wcdsc.wglr@gmail.com