
Ground Water Department


The groundwater department is a multi disciplinary scientific consisting of hydro-geologists, Geophysicists, Hydrologists, Chemists and Engineers and has its Head Quarters at Hyderabad, headed by Director.

The organization is engaged mainly in monitoring estimation and investigations / surveys for Ground water resources.  The activities include hydro geological, Hydrological, geophysical and Quality aspects


  1. Ground water Monitoring
  2. Ground Water Assessment        : GEC, Monthly Scenario Reports (Water level & Rainfall)
  3. Investigations / Surveys             : WALTA, TSi-PASS, LPS, TSP, SCP, Customer surveys, Stream flow check points, Basin studies, Artificial Recharge structures site selection                                                                                                                                                                              
  1. Drilling exploratory – cum production bore / tube well
  2. Environmental clearances        : Industries,  Sand mining, Clearance for minor irrigation works
  3. Ground Water Regulation
  4. Data Collection for GEC Assessment
  5. Monitoring for Mission Kakathiya & Tank Management (TSCBTMP)
  6. Externally Aided Projects (World bank)   : HP-I,   HP-II,    NHP.