

Medical & Health

The District Medical and Health Officer will be the Administrator and overall incharge looking after various Medical and Health Programmes including NHM and Other National Health Programmes. He will be assisted by 5 Programme Officers from Medical Community and 3 other Programme Officers.

The Medical and Health Department in the District is with the following composition:

Community Health and Nutrition Clusters                 :           3

Community Health Centres                                           :           3

24X7 Round the Clock PHCs                                          :           6

Total No. of Primary Health Centres                            :         17

Total No. of P.P.P Units                                                   :           2
Total No. of AYUSH Dispensaries                                  :         21

(Ayurvedic:11, Unani:2, Homeo:7, Naturopathy:1)

No. of Sub-Centres                                                          :       145

No. o. ANMs                                                                      :       284

No. of ASHA workers                                                       :       794

No. of Anganwadi Workers                                            :       858

No. of RBSK units                                                             :           6
108 Ambulances                                                              :           9

No. of 104 Services (FDHS PHC Mobile Units)             :           3

Adult Sex Ratio per 1000 Males                                     :       994

Infant Morality Ratio per 1000 Live Births                   :         38

Maternal Morality Ratio per 1 Lakh Live Births           :         79

Total Fertility Rate                                                             :      1.78

The C.H.Cs and PHCs are having Bed Strengh of 30 and 6 respectively. There are at present 29 Medical Officers, 30 Staff Nurses, 16 Pharmacist and13 Lab Technicians working in the PHCs.


It is proposed are being submitted to the higher authorities to:

  1. Set up 9 more 24X7 PHCs so that every mandal in the District have one 24X7 PHC.
  2. Enhancing of the Bed Strength of Parkal CHC to 100 Beds.
  • Construction of permanent Government Buildings to the 117Sub-Centres located in rented buildings in the District.
  1. Providing of Manpower, infrastructure facilities to conduct deliveries in all the PHCs.