


A brief note on the activities of the Department :

Leasing of Departmental tanks to the fisherman co-operative societies, Organization of Fishermen / Women co-operative societies, Enrolment of new members into existing fisherman / women co-operative societies, Fish diseases diagnosis and remedies, Technical support in Fish and Prawn Culture, implementation state Government schemes such as Integrated fisheries development schemes (IFDS), Supply of Fish seed / Prawn seed  on 100% subsidy, Fisheries development schemes (FDS) (Construction of Community Halls, Markets & Marketing facilities to the Fisherman), implementation of Group accident insurance scheme and Central Government schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) and Central sponsored  schemes(CSS).

Organisational Structure of the Department

District Fisheries officer, in the cadre of Fisheries Development officer supported by following staff.

Regular Staff:                                    Contract Staff                                    Outsourcing Staff

  • Senior Assistant – 1               1) Fisheries Field officer – 1                 1) Data Entry Operator-2
  • Fieldman – 1                           2) Fisheries Assistant – 3
  • Typist – 1                                 3) Fisherman – 3
  • Office Subordinate – 1
  • Watchman – 1

Programmes/Schemes of the Department:

Both State & Central

(State) Program/Scheme Name: Supply of Fish Seed on 100% subsidy.

 Brief of the scheme: Fish seed will be supplied to all water bodies on 100% subsidy except private sector.

Objectives of the scheme: To increase the Fish production in the District and to improve the socio economic status of the fisherman.

Contact Details of the officer concerned: P. Naresh Kumar Naidu, District Fisheries officer, Warangal

Website address of the scheme :

(State) Program/Scheme Name: Supply of Prawn seed on 100% subsidy.

Brief of the scheme: Prawn Seed will be supplied to selected water bodies on 100% subsidy except private sector.

Objectives of the scheme: To increase the Prawn production in the district and to improve the socio economic status of the fisherman.

Contact Details of the officer concerned: P. Naresh Kumar Naidu, District Fisheries officer, Warangal 

Website address of the scheme :

(State) Program/Scheme Name:Fisheries Development Scheme (FDS).

Brief of the scheme: In the Scheme the fishermen / Women co-operative societies will be provided the Community Halls, Retail Fish Markets and Marketing facilities.

Objectives of the scheme: To strengthen the co-operatives and to increase marketing facilities for quick disposal of fish produce in hygienic way in turn it will improve the socio-economic status of the fisherman.

Contact Details of the officer concerned: P. Naresh Kumar Naidu, District Fisheries officer, Warangal 

Website address of the scheme:

(Central) Program/Scheme Name: Group accident insurance Scheme (GAIS). Under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY):

Brief of the scheme: In the Scheme the family members of the deceased Fishermen / Women co-operative societies will be provided with 5.00 lakhs as Insurance Amount.

Objectives of the scheme: To provide financial support to the decease Fishermen.

Contact Details of the officer concerned: P. Naresh Kumar Naidu, District Fisheries officer, Warangal

Website address of the scheme:

(Central) Program/Scheme Name: Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

Brief of the scheme: In this scheme subsidy will be provided to take up Fish seed production, Fish and Prawn production, Value added products (40% Subsidy to OCs & BCs, 60% Subsidy to SCs , STs & Women)

Fish seed Hatcheries, Construction of fish ponds with inputs,

Re circulatory Aquaculture system, Supply of Insulated vehicles,

Supply of three wheeler autos, Establishment of mini feed mills,

Fish retail outlets-kiosks.

Objectives of the scheme: To increase Fish & Prawn Production in both Government & Private sector.

Contact Details of the officer concerned: P. Naresh Kumar Naidu, District Fisheries officer, Warangal.

Website address of the scheme, :  

Contacts of the Department: Name Designation Gmail
1 P.Naresh Kumar Naidu District Fisheries officer
2 B.Raju Field man
3 P.Hareesh Fisheries Field officer